Healing From The Core®

Take Away the Elegant 8-Step Method

That Removes the Inner Blocks to Deep Transformation...

Whether You Work Hands-On or Hands-Free

How to Transform Your Gut Instinct Into a Powerful Ally That Dissolves  Overwhelm and Uncertainty at a Moment’s Notice … So You Can Move Forward with Confidence and Clarity! 

Do you enjoy working with your clients in person ... but you'd like to facilitate

DEEPER CHANGE FASTER than your current coaching, counseling or hands-on skills allow?

Do you find your clients often get so far ... and then they hit a wall and don't progress?

Perhaps you're tired of watching them self-sabotage when you know there's more you can do.

It's frustrating, right? And you're not alone.

Even the most effective modalities won't help clients who don't have access to their deepest inner wisdom ...

Or to the personal power to follow it.

That's why the OnDemand Healing From the Core® Training Program is so important to you as an in-person practitioner.

You'll take away an elegant 8-Step Protocol that complements your current skills beautifully.

So your clients get the transformation they're looking for ...

And you get more clients who are inspired by the results you help them achieve.

In This Groundbreaking New Workshop, You Will:

  • Take away the 8-step method that removes the inner blocks to deep transformation ... in an easy and elegant way.

  • Learn how to lay a foundation of VALUE that motivates clients to commit to working with you right away.

  • Discover the most effective way to start a session... even when that's different from client to client.

  • Find out how to hold an empowered healing space that does most of the work for you.

  • Practice integrating your 6 Wisdom Areas... so you can help clients integrate theirs. This is the key to true Soul Embodiment®.

  • Discover new ways to dance with your client's Inner Wisdom... and artfully dissolve resistance.

  • Learn how to deepen each session to bring clarity, ease, profound healing and relaxation to the places your clients need most.

  • Find out the best ways to wrap up your sessions in a timely manner with integrity — helping your clients get closure with tools they can use to resource themselves.

  • Get our word-for-word SCRIPTS that tell you what to say (and when to say it) to create long-lasting improvements.

  • Take away techniques to set up sessions that leave your clients feeling grateful and well cared for.

  • And so much MORE!

By the end of your training you'll have the tools to:

  1. Conduct an elegant 8-step protocol that frees your clients from their inner blocks — and gives them access to their deepest wisdom.

  2. Eliminate stress, confusion, overwhelm and anxiety... even when your clients can't see the way out themselves.

  3. Clarify your clients’ best next steps. So instead of feeling confused and overwhelmed, they’re calm, cool and relaxed.

  4. Awaken the body’s innate healing wisdom. So it naturally organizes to fight any health challenge … whether it’s physical, mental or emotional.

  5. Empower your clients in thousands of other ways RIGHT NOW when they desperately need it.

Imagine how good you're going to feel when ...

  • Your appointment book is filled with men, women, even children who are making welcome changes before your eyes!

  • You’re fulfilled as your head hits the pillow each night knowing you’re continuing to share your gifts … and keeping an income coming in.

  • You know exactly how to tap into the sea of healing energy that surrounds us — and direct it with your intention and skill — to support your clients, family members and friends.

  • You’re grounded and embodied at the end of each session … just like your clients.

  • You end each day with a contented sigh because you brought comfort, well-being, insight and clarity to the people you care about most.

  • You’re boosting immune systems, dissolving their aches and pains, and quelling stress and fears.

  • You’re getting your clients out of fight-or-flight. So they’re able to respond effectively to anything that’s happening around them.

  • You’re fulfilled doing what you were BORN to do. And your clients are happily paying you to do it!

Happy Graduates

“My heart is starting to reform and mend.

I’ve been dealing with grief due to a trauma a little over a year ago. I’ve been scattered and numb for quite some time.

Through one of the exercises I actually felt sensation in my numb heart — and a specific visual assured me that healing is possible.

More importantly, I feel some energy beginning to return."

Christie Baker

“This class was equally valuable for personal growth as it was for professional therapeutic purposes.

I ended it feeling more grounded, free, and competent with the material — and more able to provide a higher quality of care for my clients.

Healing with presence is a modality that I’ve wanted to make my own for many years. This class has fulfilled my dream."

Robert Klein

“This workshop has supported me in opening my awareness and identifying my next steps for growth.

I could not have done this without the help of the group and the instructors.

In a safe and encouraging online space, I was able to settle into my own awareness more easily.

After all of the exercises, I feel empowered to move forward successfully."

Katharyn Blades

Suzanne Scurlock, CST-D

Creator of Healing From the Core®

Suzanne Scurlock is one of the world’s leading authorities on conscious awareness and its impact on the healing process.

For more than 30 years she has empowered others with practical tools that enable them to experience joy without burning out. She's a sought-after speaker who inspires healthcare providers, coaches, executives, parents, clergy and others to stay relaxed and energized using her life-changing tools that dissolve stress and pain.

Suzanne is the author of two acclaimed books:
Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom
Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom.

Set Your Sights on Mastery + Done-For-You Marketing Material

Do you appreciate the accomplishment and recognition that comes from becoming certified in your favorite modalities?

Then you’re going to LOVE our new Certification Program.

You can achieve the distinction of being a Certified and even Master Certified Practitioner!

Our certification track begins with Healing From the Core®.

Which means, when you take this first small step, you’re making a decisive LEAP in your professional achievement.

Plus, if you choose to pursue certification, you'll be delighted with an added bonus ...

Done-For-You Marketing Material that makes attracting new clients easy!

Your Low Investment Reaps Lifelong Rewards

Think about the long-term impact this kind of FREEDOM will have on your practice ...

  • On the fulfillment you’ll feel when you help people in communities everywhere who desperately need relief.

  • On the security that comes from knowing you’ll continue earning an income, even in uncertain times.

  • On the gratitude you’ll feel at providing for your family — and helping to ground them with the calm presence they need in moments of unrest and unease.

  • And on the peace you’ll experience knowing your practice will never again need to be buffeted about by the stress of circumstances beyond your control.

More Happy Graduates

“I feel clearer about some deep-seated projections I’ve been making, and awake to what I can do to clean them up.

I made progress defusing a lifelong issue. I’m eager to continue integrating my skills into my professional and personal life.

The course took me through contracted and expanded states, which increased my navigation skills. Now I have more access to being grounded and centered, even under duress.”


“I came to this workshop almost by coincidence. And of course, it was exactly what I needed.

I feel I’m at the beginning of a new adventure in my spiritual journey. Truly inspiring!

Thank you Suzanne for being a true guide. Your compassion, wisdom and caring gestures have touched me deeply.

I can’t thank you enough for opening this door for me.”

Manuel Boyer

“Although I have worked many times on recognizing limiting beliefs, this course really took me to a deeper level.

When I was wondering why certain tools for grounding and refilling only seemed to work sometimes, Suzanne helped me realized that my primitive software was wired to always being a “doer.” This did not allow me to be fully present in my body.

This awareness has profoundly changed me and I am thankful.”

Vivian Malnikof

Whether you're a coach, a counselor or a bodyworker ...

NOW is the time to help your clients BREAK FREE from the old beliefs and blocks that are stopping them from making the changes they want.

As we evolve and expand and RISE UP to meet our new challenges together …

WE ARE LIMITLESS. Right here with you,

Suzanne Scurlock, Creator of Healing From the Core®

Copyright © 2025  Healing From the Core, All rights reserved.

Healing From The Core – 11110 Sunset Hills Rd., P.O. Box 2534 Reston, Virginia 20195 United States (703) 620-4509 [email protected]